How to stay healthy and happy and will dispose of health and joy

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Πώς θα παραμείνετε υγιείς και ευτυχισμένοι και θα πετάξετε από υγεία και χαρά 1We must realize that no one else can make us happy and that happiness it is the result of the love that springs from within us. We don't need anyone to love us, love comes from within and is always there, but with the wall of our ego being inserted we do not feel it.

So Evolve your consciousness, realize your true nature, discover the infinite source of love and strength that exists within you and then you fly, will scatter everywhere beauty, everyone will want to have a relationship with you, m’ you will all have a good relationship.

how i’ discover the Source, love in us; As explained in my book thus becomes a Miracle: "We only practice. Love wants practicing. If we help a fellow human being or a Foundation with no ulterior motive, with humility, we will immediately see our heart n’ opens. Everything is within us. You can be healthy when you have positive feelings when you remove the fear from within. The fear of death, fear of lack of losing yourself ,of your family people, your property.

We are spirits, consists of energy, We consist of seven bodies that the four surviving after death. Death is just a change of consciousness, changing the way we perceive things. There are thousands of postmortem human experiences, who were aware par’ all that was clinically dead, which demonstrate that practically death is a change of consciousness.

From an age and then run most doctors taking drugs that destroy the electromagnetic balance of our body and deplete our body..

Everything is within us, are the thoughts that we, beliefs, ie programming that we. If we have negative thoughts, negative beliefs, negative feelings, the energy that circulates through our blocked, and the instruments are powered by this energy meridian whose energy is blocked, ill. Negative emotions trigger the secretion of toxic chemicals such as cortisol, adrenaline which poison organs and our body.

So believe in yourself, in the Universal Divine Power of which we are an integral part. Indulge in’ she. Do not worry about what,what is happening to you, It is for your own good, is to teach you. Pythagoras said, not pray for something specific, people are not able to know what is our good.

Love yourself everyone and everything, get rid of your ego, forgive everyone, grateful to God for everything,What has given you every day, help your fellow animals, the environmental plants. All these meet, nourish our soul.

Love is a choice of our consciousness, we can choose to have it 24 hours a day in our life. Then feeling love for ourselves, others and all creatures of the Universe, we will be happy people, full of serenity and completeness.

Man is made to operate from love, when not possessed of positive feelings of love, solidarity, then self-destruct,

So believe in yourself, the Universal Divine Power that is within you. Afethite p’ she. Do not worry about what,what is happening to you, is good for you is to teach you. Pythagoras said, not pray for something specific, people are not able to know what is our good.

To realize our true nature– Our true nature is that we are the creators of our reality and we have infinite possibilities, as long as we focus on p’ she. We are all One, everything is ONE. In God we move and grow.

consciousness, Our consciousness is the basis of everything. Suddenly we discover that all that you say our sages, the Saints, ancient scriptures like the Vedas in India, is true.

When we feel cut off limit our possibilities 1%. If we feel our unity, our true nature, win another 99% our potential, throwing away literally. The unity of all things had fully realized his father Paisios and his last words before "sleep" was "osi in fiber", ie "to become a".

Scientists today with quantum physics have shown that at a deeper subatomic level we do not perceive with our senses., the observer or rather the focus of the observer's consciousness, creates, affects, shaping material. There are infinite possibilities, Chances for the outcome, for the development of each event, which coexist simultaneously, what will happen depends on the consciousness, the attention of the observer. Our conscience, our thoughts, our beliefs, our emotions shape and directly affect everything around us.

Our health so destroyed by our thinking that we are "enough", that we are not perfect, we are not able ourselves to maintain our health. We become people whose existence depends on the drugs we take from doctors, to keep our health. We forget our true nature, We forget that we are Light and that we should allow the Mind that created this body to run. Intervene with drugs to correct a small symptom and deregulate our organization. Accommodations throughout Sophia in us.

Help selflessly, always selflessly help when my heart is touched by Geneticist Murakami argues that when weeping with emotion our hearts our body our genes get unlimited power.

So believe in yourself, in the Universal Divine Power that exists within you. Afethite p’ she. Do not worry about what,what is happening to you, is good for you is to teach you. Pythagoras said, not pray for something specific, people are not able to know what is our good.

We must realize that our consciousness has unlimited power. If evolution, if the focus, It has the ability to reverse and the most incurable disease, It has the potential to lead us to achieve everything in our lives, enough to keep the values ​​and principles mentioned.

Everything in our lives are determined by our thoughts and our beliefs. Our beliefs play a dominant role. Like the operating system that a computer needs, our thoughts and beliefs are the filters through which we see, We perceive the external world.

We can do anything, as long as we believe that it exists and that we can bring it into our lives, as long as we incorporate it into our reality.

Beliefs reflect who we are, and what we are inspired to become.

I believe them, our beliefs, created by the information we absorb like a sponge in our childhood, but also from the thoughts they constantly take from our minds, is the program that runs our lives.

In essence, the creation of our reality, it depends on the planning we have inside us, which is activated by the intensity of our emotions, maintained by the focus of our thoughts, and is realized by the certainty or doubt we have within us, that any of our intentions can become a reality immediately.

Nature always stands for value, we attach ourselves. If we limit it with our beliefs and beliefs, Only we are to blame and we must get rid of these beliefs and convictions

Our heart turns our beliefs into waves, vibrating at a specific frequency that depends, by the quality of our emotions, who send information p’ our whole body and the whole Universe and they attract everything,what is happening to us in our lives. Our beliefs are the way we bring people to life, the property, the situations we live in. Our health, relationships, Our property depends on everything and is attracted to our inner beliefs.

Our certainty, as well as strong positive emotions, joy, love vibrating at the same frequencies as these Sources cause us to collapse the possibilities or possibilities, through the infinite field of possibilities of the universe, of our Source, and they bring to our reality what we ask for.

The secret to flying is to constantly pray and envision what we want to achieve., while at the same time believing completely that everything,what we envision has already come into our lives and has already become a reality. Vision, which is the creation with our imagination of situations, events and objects that we want to bring into our lives are the greatest strength of man. It is the greatest power given to him by his Creator. The prayer (with absolute faith, certainty that for everything,what we pray for has already become a reality) connects us directly to our Source, the God where we receive infinite inspiration, strength and love, to fly into all areas of our lives.

Everything is inside you. You can be healthy when you have positive emotions, when you have taken the fear out of you. The fear of death, the fear of lack, of losing yourself, of the people in your family, your property.

We are spirits, consists of energy, We consist of seven bodies that the four surviving after death. Death is just a change of consciousness, changing the way we perceive things. There are thousands of postmortem human experiences, who were aware par’ all that was clinically dead, which demonstrate that practically death is a change of consciousness.

From one age onwards most of us run to the doctors taking drugs that destroy the electromagnetic balance of our body and wear out our body.. Let's go to the doctors to examine us and advise us when we are well, nothing more.

Everything is within us, are the thoughts that we, beliefs, ie programming that we. If we have negative thoughts, negative beliefs, negative feelings, the energy that circulates within us, blocked, and the instruments are powered by this energy meridian whose energy is blocked . Negative emotions trigger the secretion of toxic chemicals such as cortisol, adrenaline, which poison our organs and organisms.

Man is made to operate from love, when not possessed of positive feelings of love, solidarity, then self-destruct,

So believe in yourself, the Universal Divine Power that is within you. Afethite p’ she. Do not worry about what,what is happening to you, is good for you is to teach you. Pythagoras said, not pray for something specific, people are not able to know what is our good.

Love yourself everyone and everything, get rid of your ego, forgive everyone, grateful to God for everything,What has given you every day, help your fellow animals, the environmental plants. All these meet, nourish our soul

We have learned about everything that happens to us looking elsewhere for the cause, out of ourselves. To blame everyone and everything, God for the evil he found us, and feel desperate, cut off.

We have learned when we find a serious illness to turn to doctors and completely ignore the messages that our inner self gives us.. To tremble with fear, in fact, if the disease is considered incurable, to despair and wait for the fatal, unaware that our mental attitude is the main factor in our healing.

We live without paying attention to the helpless, to the weak, to our neighbor, p’ a stray dog, we are destroying the trees, the environment, we completely ignore our essence, our soul which is an integral part of the Whole and wants to be with it (all the people, the whole Universe).

We are unaware that our soul is a reflection, a spark of Invisible Universal Energy that we call God and aims to be realized on earth, that is, to put into practice all the values ​​by which it is governed, such as the value of love, generosity, of humility.

If in our lives we do not fully follow these principles, Sooner or later we pay the price which is so heavy that it brings us back.

So we can do anything, we can always be healthy, to follow the above principles, that satisfy our soul. As long as we realize that we are responsible for everything,what is happening to us and ask for guidance from our Source.

We must realize that our consciousness has unlimited power. If evolution, if the focus, It has the ability to reverse and the most incurable disease, It has the potential to lead us to achieve everything in our lives, enough to keep the values ​​and principles mentioned.

So it is up to us to fly from health, joy, prosperity and it is also up to us to live in misery, you will decide.

Talking to world-renowned gurus and futurists, I was told that they always find the future with the data that exists. When we say data we mean the intrinsic beliefs of their customer, when they change, everything in the future is changing. There is nothing written that does not change, we can change all entries within us, in the Universe, in the Akashic records, everywhere. As long as we accept our current situation, when we do not accept a situation we block the energy, we stop all our evolution. After accepting our current situation, disable our negative emotions (EFT, Healing Code, την τεχνική του HeartMath που εναρμονίζουμε τους παλμούς της καρδιάς μας, acupressure, reflexology, επαναπρογραμματισμός του εγκεφάλου με το CD στο βιβλίο μου, unblocking the energy meridians, and our energy centers), then we focus our consciousness on what we want to acquire, in the relationships we would like to have.

Everything in our lives are determined by our thoughts and our beliefs. Our beliefs play a dominant role. Like the operating system that a computer needs, our thoughts and beliefs are the filters through which we see, We perceive the external world.

Our main concern is to keep our thoughts alert, to let only thoughts of love pass through our minds, joy, creation. To change our planning, the beliefs we have so that we love the world to see the positives and not the negatives in each of our fellow human beings. Avoid criticism, to forgive everyone and everything.

To nourish our soul, being generous with all beings the Universe we come to p’ contact, to go to church and participate in the mysteries of our religion

To cultivate our intuition. The essence of our intuition is that there is a direct connection between the human mind and the cosmic mind..

Finally, we must come to terms with the idea of ​​death, to realize that with death we pass from matter to Essence, while when we are born we pass from Essence to matter. We need to realize that we are not dying, we just change consciousness and live in another dimension.

Conclusion:Beliefs reflect who we are, and what we are inspired to become.

In essence, the creation of our reality, it depends on the planning we have inside us, which is activated by the intensity of our emotions, maintained by the focus of our thoughts, and is realized by the certainty or doubt we have within us, that any of our intentions can become a reality immediately.

Nature always stands for value, we attach ourselves. If we limit it with our beliefs and beliefs, Only we are to blame and we must get rid of these beliefs and convictions.

Our heart turns our beliefs into waves, vibrating at a specific frequency that depends, by the quality of our emotions, who send information p’ our whole body and the whole Universe and they attract everything,what is happening to us in our lives. Our beliefs are the way we bring people to life, the property, the situations we live in. Our health, relationships, Our property depends on everything and is attracted to our inner beliefs.

Our certainty, as well as strong positive emotions, joy, love vibrating at the same frequencies as these Sources cause us to collapse the possibilities or possibilities, through the infinite field of possibilities of the universe, of our Source, and they bring to our reality what we ask for.


ΟΛΑ ΤΑ ΠΑΡΑΠΑΝΩ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΑΠΟΣΠΑΜΑΤΑ από το νέο μου βιβλίο «Η Πηγή των Πάντων».

It is important for everyone but to get all three books to change your life and to dispose of health and joy as I did, so if you order all three of my books "That becomes the Miracle", in "A Life Full of Light" and "Source of All," I send you with great discount and without charge your shipping cost. If you want to order you have to send the message address and your mobile or call 6977349766.

All three books are cd, helping you to reprogram your subconscious, change your beliefs. Also in my books and seminars, there are complete instructions to turn your negative feelings and treating yourself to an energy level and then at the physical level of problems in the spine, in the middle, neck, on the knees, hip, in the stomach, gall, Autoimmune Diseases, pollakiuria, problems spastic colitis or constipation, sinusitis, snoring, carpal tunnel problem, tendinitis, insomnia, panic attacks, depression, interruption period, arrhythmia, tachycardia, headaches, migraines, breathing difficulties, Respiratory problems, problems in the bile, cholesterol.(of course for any health issue you should first consult your doctor, while in spiritual, mental and energy levels will be released from the circumstances that led to your illness and aftotherapefste).

I'm always by your side to liberate all our problems, To fly from health and joy and be led to the light.

with infinite, unconditional love

Alexis Fotopoulos

Author – Spiritual Healer

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Facebook groups: "That becomes the Miracle", "We can all heal itself and to lead the Light", "Life Full of Light" and "The Source of All".

Facebook pages: "Alexis Fotopoulos", "Self-Healing, Health, happy relationships, Abundance".

EVERY MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY 17:00 -21:00 free seminars (leaves something anyone wants for the cost of the room) Navarino 9 and Hippocrates in Athens. The seminar was announced on my website to come without quitting position.

In my article: You will find all the answers to the problems that concern you.




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